Art and Technology - Yesterday and Today
Matko Meštrović, ”Art and Technology – Yesterday and Today”, paper presented on the XXXII AICA Congress Japan, Tokyo, September 1998. The theme of the Congress was TRANSITION: Changing Society and Art.
Art in our time is questioning itself. The questioning is its last vitality, a capacity to open itself to alternatives between search and research, between reaction and making sense. That is its methodological problem, and in extreme analysis an ideational one too. Art has been caught by scientific and technological reality in which it does not see any orientation. Its own means are dimensionally inadequate to present-day world happenings. Therefore only in relation and confrontation with the current patterns of social values art can find its social function, but should not remain outside the context of scientific-technological organization. On the contrary, art should be putting the question of what is the ultimate purpose of science and technology just like the questioning of its own purpose and sufficiency.
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